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11 quick tips to declutter Your Home: Read all the way to the end for your Printable Quick Start Guide…

After losing both of my husband’s grandparents within a few months of each other, We saw first hand how much it takes to clean 40 years worth of stuff out of a house! We were told we had less than 30 days to have it completely cleaned out and we really got to work. It was a Family effort, definitely all hands on deck.

My husband and I have been house hunting for a little over a year or so now and it seemed like everything we came across had some kind of issue that made it really difficult to buy. After losing these two very special people, there was talk of the house being sold. We decided that we didn’t want it going to someone else and we decided to buy!! While we are excited, we are also very anxious because it desperately needs Renovation! I LOVE a good project and we all know I enjoy DIY! I intend to bring you along for every step of this process, starting now!! Since we decided this is what we wanted to do, I thought this would be a PERFECT time to start purging and trying to downsize in Preparation! I have started organizing and getting rid of so much we have accumulated over the years in this house.

Declutter your way to a Smooth move or minimalistic living.

Let me just say, Decluttering while getting ready to pack is a crucial step in making your move more efficient and organized. Here are some tips and insights on the decluttering process as you prepare to pack:

1. Start Early:

If you are preparing to move, begin the decluttering process well in advance. Starting early allows you to tackle one area at a time, making the process more manageable and less overwhelming.

2. Room-by-Room Approach:

Take a room-by-room approach to decluttering. Begin with areas that tend to accumulate more items, such as closets, storage spaces, and the kitchen. This allows you to focus on specific spaces and make informed decisions about each item. You can find my Free printable Quick start guide at the end of this post or find it HERE in our Pintable’s Library.

3. Decluttering Criteria:

Establish clear criteria for decluttering. Consider factors like whether you use the item regularly, its condition, and its sentimental value. Items that no longer serve a purpose or bring joy can be candidates for donation, sale, or disposal.

4. Donate or Sell Unwanted Items:

As you come across items you no longer need, consider donating them to local charities or selling them online. This not only reduces the number of items you need to pack but also benefits others.

5. Sort Items Into Categories:

Categorize items into groups such as keep, donate, sell, and discard. This systematic approach helps you stay organized and ensures that each item is handled appropriately.

6. Evaluate Furniture:

Assess your furniture with a critical eye. Unwanted furniture can be sold, donated, or passed on to friends or family.

7. Address Hidden Clutter:

Open storage areas, such as cabinets, drawers, and closets, to address hidden clutter. Items stored out of sight can accumulate over time, and decluttering these spaces ensures a fresh start in your new home.

8. Consider Seasonal Items:

Evaluate seasonal items, such as clothing and decorations. Only pack items that are relevant to the upcoming season or those with sentimental value. Consider donating or storing seasonal items you won’t immediately need.

9. Involve Everyone:

Involve everyone in the decluttering process. Encourage open communication about which items are essential and ensure that everyone has a say in the decisions.

10. Stay Mindful of Your Goals:

Consider whether each item aligns with the space and functionality of your living environment. This mindful approach prevents you from getting off task and becoming too overwhelmed with the process

11. Decluttering is a Mindset:

Embrace decluttering as a mindset rather than a one-time task. Regularly assess your belongings and adopt a conscious approach to prevent unnecessary accumulation in your new home.

Are you ready to implement these 11 tips to simplify decluttering your space?

Take the time to declutter each area systematically and involve everyone in the process. My kids and I sat down and worked on their Memory Boxes as part of our Decluttering and organizing! You can find that post HERE. By embracing decluttering as a continuous practice, you’ll enjoy a clutter-free and stress-free environment. Even if your not moving, this is a fantastic way to just start the New Year off right, OR just get out of a funk you have been in and start Fresh!! Happy Purging! Which room will you start in?

Feeling overwhelmed and need help knowing where to start? We created a Home Purge Quick Start Guide to help you go Room by Room to get the job Done! Sign up below or visit us HERE to get your Free Download.