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Reaching Out-8 ideas you can use today!

I compiled this small list of things I intend to do or have done in order to be more thoughtful and encouraging to those around me and in honor of some very special people in my life!! There are so many struggling with different things, and you never know what a simple gesture could mean to someone. Consciously taking the time for others is always a good way to help yourself not be so wrapped up in just “me and mine”. I can’t begin to explain how it helps me feel so much better about myself!

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8 ideas to show someone special you care. #3 and #4 won’t cost you a dime.

  • 1. Make food and carry over to someone. When I make any kind of soup, I usually cook enough for a small army! Soup can be frozen when you make it and then given away when needed, very easily! Consider purchasing the “Fixings” to go with your frozen delivery. I always freeze my soups using my food saver in the food saver bags. One of my favorite soups to make and freeze is My Taco soup recipe.  **Side note**This thing has truly been a life saver in our house! Anytime you open chips or cereal bags,  you can use this to seal them right back up! Keeps everything fresh for SOOOO much longer!! I was able to purchase mine at my local walmart.

2. Baked goods, such as cookies or cakes, are an inexpensive way to say “thinking of you” **helpful tip**It’s a good idea to purchase throw away pans for cakes unless you want to buy a cheap one they can just keep as part of the gift and you can even suggest a pay it forward idea! I found that plastic decorative bowls with lids are available at the dollar store for cheap. Here was our attempt at Decorating Sugar cookies:

3. I know this isn’t a “gift” per say but you never know how much it means to people to just know you are concerned and thinking of them. Send an email or a text of encouragement to someone who may be struggling or having a hard time!

4. This goes along the same lines as #3 …A simple Facebook post or message can also be an amazing tool to help lift up a friend! Aside from texting or emailing, which tends to be more personal, you can always use Social Media to life someone up. We don’t always feel comfortable with such personal ways of reaching out so using a tool such as Facebook would work perfectly.

5. A small gift basket can be put together for very little money and can be delivered anywhere. This can be as simple or as elaborate as you want or have the budget for. Fresh Fruit, Lotion, soap, hand towels, throws, socks and candles were some of the small things you can include.  ** helpful tip** You can find 20 square ft rolls of cellophane at Dollar Tree for $1

6. A hand made craft or gift can take a little time but can show someone else they were worth it!
Need an Idea? Check out this blog post and YouTube video, for a How-to you can do for around 10$

7. A simple store bought gift that reminds you of the person can be just as special! ❤

8. Gift Cards. Who doesn’t love to treat themselves every now and then?! Gift cards to shop or even for manicures and pedicures or even massages can be a HUGE pick me up. Walmart Gift cards are one way to ensure they get whatever they need. Easy to give and Awesome to get. Get yours HERE.

There are people in my circle, You know the kind, or maybe you are that person that Always has a kind gesture or word for every situation! They send just the right words in a text, they give the right gifts at the perfect time! Those that are “in tune” with those around them and know exactly what to do and say to help someone feel 100% better!

I can name several people but one really special lady sticks out in my mind, My Great Aunt Carolyn! She passed away a couple of years ago from cancer but all through my childhood she sent a birthday card EVERY SINGLE YEAR! I will always remember the feeling I got when I would get her cards and realized she was thinking of me and cared enough to put a card in the mail for me every year!! She inspired me so much. It reminds me of one of my very favorite quotes, “People may not remember what you said, but they will always remember how you made them Feel” -Maya Angelou.

As much as I’ve always tried, I don’t feel I’m anywhere near the woman I aspire to be! A woman like her. When the new year came around, I resolved to always think of others and try to be more thoughtful and giving! You know, just simply contribute to making the world a Better place. This past year, if a small idea crossed my mind to do something kind or special for someone, I tried to get it done immediately. Not every idea or plan came thru like I expected. I found myself several times getting grandiose ideas and when I would try to carry out my ideas, I would become overwhelmed and abandon the idea altogether. Ever done that?

I don’t know about you but there were times that I stepped out and I didn’t feel appreciated. A few times there was almost a feeling of rejection. There’s something humbling about giving to others and it will even, at times, make you feel vulnerable. When you encounter the tough feelings, just remember WHY you are doing it! While giving to someone else is often times to be an encouragement to that person, it is also a learning and maturing experience for the giver.

I intend to use each and everyone of these ideas for some very special people in my life! I hope this may have sparked some ideas for you as well!

Be on the Lookout for my Future Blog post, a Fun and easy craft tutorial for a handmade gift idea! Can’t wait to show you just how simple it is! You cann add your own message to it to make it even more special!